- Khribi, M. K. (2022). Mada ICT Accessibility and Inclusive Design ICT-AID Competency Framework. Nafath, 7(21). https://doi.org/10.54455/mcn.21.04
- M. K. Khribi, A. Othman, A. Al-Sinani. (2022). “Toward Closing the Training and Knowledge Gap in ICT Accessibility and Inclusive Design Harnessing Open Educational Resources”. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT 2022.
- M. K. Khribi, A. Othman ,A.N. Al Jabor. (2022). “Fostering ICT accessibility proficiency through Mada ICTAID Competency Framework”, The 8th International Conference on ICT & Accessibility (ICTA), 2021.
- M. K. Khribi, & A. Al-Sinani,. (2021). Harnessing OER to build capacity in ICT Accessibility and Inclusive Design. Open Education Global Conference, OEGlobal’21.
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